Riverside, Ca Herbal Supplements - Vitamins - Diet Tips - Rio Naturista and Diet Centers
Rio Naturista Riverside, Ca provides daily tips and videos on products we recommend and offer at our retail stores. We also provide information on the supplement industry and amazing body facts. Informes sobre yerbas y mejor salud
Rio Naturista is the new exciting retail store opportunity offering customers the finest herbal products and health education. Founded by a small team of experience business leaders from various disciplines, our first flagship store opens in May 2010. We strive to innovate in the alternative health and health education markets with branded information that helps all our new stores leverage the power of the new social web, while applying personal customer attention at our retail outlets. We hope many of you become part of this new exciting opportunity and join the Rio Naturista Family.
Visit our flagship store in downtown Riverside, Ca.
This site does not constitute medical advice. Content on this site is sourced from sites deemed reliable. Content is presented as editorial information. No way does IP MicroMedia or RioNaturista guarantee accuracy on information presented. You should seek advice from a licensed or credentialed individual for serious health or medical issues. Comments are reserved by those posting and the ideas or opinions on this site may not reflect the views of Rio Naturista or IP MicroMedia